Waves metrics: single metrics

Active users total

Active Users Total shows the total of active visitors of pages on which the smartocto tracker is added. The total includes active visitors on the website and/or app. This metric is only available by smartocto real time tracking.

App page views

App Page Views shows the total of pageviews for the all tracked pages in the app of the client, in case the client has an app and sends data to smartocto.

App visitors

App Visitors shows the total of  active visitors of pages on which the smartocto tracker is added. The total includes active visitors on the app. This metric is only available by smartocto real time tracking.

Avg. read depth

Avg. Read Depth shows the total of the average read depth. This is calculated metric where the word count, attention time and scroll depth are used to calculate how much percentage a story is read by your visitors. This metric is only available by smartocto real time tracking.

Avg. reading time

Avg. Reading Time shows the average true active time spent on all read story pages. In case a page is opened in the background, the time is not measured. This metric is only available by smartocto real time tracking.

Avg. scroll depth

Avg Scroll Depth shows where people by leave the stories on average, considering all read stories in the selected period.This metric is only available by smartocto real time tracking.


The metric Conversions shows the total number of conversions in the selected period.

Notifications total

The metric Notifications the total of sent notifications in the selected period.

Page views

The metric Page views shows the total of pageviews for the all tracked pages in the app of the client, in case the client has an app and sends data to smartocto.

Published stories

The metric Published stories shows the total of published stories by the selected brands in the selected window (today, yesterday, last 3 days or last 7 days). You can combine this metric with filters like sections or tags to get an overview about the production for a certain section of topic.

The single metric Published stories cannot be filtered on traffic



Sessions total

The metric Sessions total shows the total of unique sessions during the selected period.

Social actions

The metric Social actions total of actions on social media (likes, comments, shares) on shared stories, on your own social channels, during the selected period.

Stories read total

The metrics Stories read total total of unique stories read during the selected period.

Tests performed total

The metric Test performed total total of tests in the A/B-testing tool called smartocto Tentacles.

Total reading time

The metric Total reading time shows the total time spent on published stories. This is actual active time on the story

Total visitors

The metric Total visitors shows the amount of unique visitors during the selected period.

Video views total

The metric Video views total shows the total of videos views on alle platforms together for all tracked videos by the client.

Web page views

The metric Web page views total of web page views, tracked by the client or smartocto video tracking.

Web visitors

The metric Web visitors shows the amount of active visitors of pages on which the smartocto tracker is added. The total includes only active visitors on the website, regardless the device type. This metric is only available based on smartocto real time tracking.